Welcome to my Site! <3

What is this place?

Hello, it's so nice to meet you! My name is Malice, but you can call me Mal~ (or Abb, whatever lol).

I'm a jack-of-all-trades in regards to art, and the internet has been my primary home for a very long time. I create all sorts of things! I hope to bring joy to people all over the world through the things I make - but I'm still pretty early into my journey tbh (;′⌒`).

If any of this has caught your attention, and you'd like to follow me on my quest to become famous and fantastic and to touch the hearts of countless people, this is where to do it! I'll be turning this site into my own personal cave of random shit, so feel free to pop in whenever you want and browse. I hope you enjoy your stay!

Check the links in the sidebar for more resources to build your own website!


Thank you for your patience!